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fitness global health international les mills not for profit rachael newshman the women in fitness association wifa women women in fitness women in fitness association women leaders women supporting women womeninfitnessassociation Jul 16, 2019

Back in August last year, I saw a link online for an organization called Women In Fitness. I thought, "well that's got my attention because that's me!"

I looked into what it was and it is what it says on the can. It’s a bunch of women working in the fitness industry, who have get together to share their experiences and skills and support each other.

This isn’t a group of women from one company that hang out together either, but some of the most accomplished business leaders from competitive companies getting together with a common goal: to break those societal limitations that have held many of us girls back. They aim to lift each other up to heights that might take another decade or so to reach if we continue to do it solo.

 It’s a not-for-profit organization and becoming a member gives you access to a range of resources, including live and online meetings, mentorship and member discounts. It will help you forge a pathway in whichever field you are in faster than you could if you did it alone.

Read the full article here!