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Searched: "Karyn Silenzi"

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Imposter Syndrome in the Fitness Industry - When You Feel Like a Fraud

Imposter syndrome can be a debilitating condition. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as a psychological condition that is characterized by persistent doubt concerning one's abilities or accomplishments accompanied by the fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of one's ongoing s...

Drowning In Doubt as a Fitness Professional

Drowning in Doubt as a Fitness Professional By Karyn Silenzi We are a collective group of like-minded, driven, and optimistic women. We are the voice of change. Filled with ideas, inspiration, and unbridled enthusiasm, we make a difference in the lives of those we touch. Within our industry, th...

WIFA Waves Episode 35 | WIFA Writer's Academy Scholars

Episode 35 of WIFA Waves is an extra special one! Lindsey and Jennifer chat with a host of female writers from the WIFA Writer's Academy, as well as the program mentor, Lisa Greenbaum. The women share their takeaways from the academy, their goals as writers, what they are most proud of and how th...