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Feature Friday Nov 02, 2018

WIFA is proud to feature two lovely ladies that are doing great things. Read on to learn about, WIFA members, Deborah Goldberg and Keli Roberts!

Innovative Australian Fitness Entrepreneur, experienced Distributor & Marketing Agent for Fitness Programs, Business Development , Merchandise...

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Mindfulness Practices for Kids: Why We Need to Start Them Young Oct 30, 2018

I’ve been struck recently by the importance of the TD Bank ads surrounding teaching our children about money. Speaking for myself, I can certainly say I learned the hard way on this road. Interestingly enough, until the last few years we’ve also maintained the same attitude around...

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Be Selfish Now so You’ll Be Selfless Eventually Oct 23, 2018

Selfishness and selflessness are two sides of the same coin. As the ancient Taoist religion of China teaches us, there is no such thing as something completely good or something completely bad. There cannot be darkness without light, as there cannot be hot without cold. The same thing holds...

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The Move Daily Pillars of Health Oct 16, 2018

Back in my college years I remember a professor asking the class: “Who here is healthy? Raise your hand.” It was a great question, and although many students raised their hand, most did so with hesitation: “I think I’m healthy?” was the overwhelming sentiment of the...

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