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What Does Leading By Example Even Mean? How to Create True + Lasting Impact as a Woman

career wifa vox Jul 04, 2022

What Does Leading By Example Even Mean? How to Create True + Lasting Impact as a Woman

By: Sarah Grace

As a woman, it is often hard to live each and every day without feeling like eyes are on us at all times, judging us and leading to us second guessing ourselves constantly. Even when we feel like we have built enough confidence to take the world by storm, there is always someone or something waiting to tear us down - and the hard truth, we often let it happen. But why? Why is it so hard to build ourselves up as strong leaders only to find that it is easier to let ourselves feel the negative weight of the world? Societal expectations and competition with others - that’s why. And while we will dwell on the negative for a bit here today, I am writing to tell you that today is the day we take ownership of our lives back. No matter what we look like, how we present, how we lead, how we interact with others or what “labels” we fall into, it is 100% possible to lead by example and create lasting impact as women.

Navigating + Validating Barriers

First things first - let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room. It is incredibly easy to point to stereotypical barriers for why the world is the way it is - sexism, genetics, “pretty privilege,” financial inequities, the ideas of what women should be and do, the list goes on. And those are valid no matter when or how you may have experienced them. But, have you ever stopped to process times when we point to other women as your own personal downfall or enemy? I have often found myself blaming other women for things when in reality it was my own inner demons projecting onto them unfairly. And that is okay, because to move on and grow is to recognize times when competition between women was uncalled for or even forced, and then to intentionally not let it happen again. Give yourself grace where you may actually be the villain in your own story and then work to be better. That is what strong leaders who empower others do. To lead by example is to truly lead by example. You create impact when you are your authentic self, human in true form, and create space for others to be the same.

Empathy + Purpose

Empathy is the ability to look at someone’s situation and not fully understand it, but recognize that what they may be going through is different and they deserve the space to feel that out, for better or for worse. At the end of the day, it is not up to us how others act nor perceive us. We are only in control of our own lives and destiny and the only way to live that is through the path you walk on. If you have the privilege and power to do that for yourself, take it, and then allow others to do the same.

Let’s also talk about purpose. What is your legacy and what do you want to be remembered for? And note, it does not have to be related to motherhood or career growth. Oftentimes, we claim our purpose by the paths that have been set up for us. Being wonderful mothers or corporate ladder climbers is amazing, they just don’t have to be the only things you are known for. Take a second to reflect on how you want to be defined. For me, that is being at peace with who I am, where I am, and the choices I make for myself each and every day.


What does leading by example mean then? It means empowering yourself to live each day the way you want and need for your own personal success. Remember, you are living out your own story, while there will be many other side characters and chapters as part of it, it is still your story. The best thing you can do for yourself as a leader is to turn off the fear, anxiety, judgment of yourself and others, and just live. Easier said than done sure, but free yourself from the notions of what you *think* you need to be and just be who you want to be.

Empowerment looks like trying new things, getting outside of your comfort zone, exploring your interests, and being resilient through the pushback. If there is anything being a woman has taught us is that we will always get pushback no matter what. So turn that negativity into power and use it to your advantage. Can you think of any female leaders who made history that did not go against the grain nor without pushback? Exactly. Go into situations knowing you will get pushback, and do it anyways, unafraid of the consequences. A good leader leads by example: does not ask others to do what they would not do themselves, does not take no for an answer, and absolutely does not compromise who they are for any reason.

Take this mantra with you today and forever:

  1. You are strong

  2. You are worthy

  3. You are capable

Now go be a leader and conquer!