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To Franchise or Not to Franchise? That is the Question.

business business development career career development fitness fitness business online business women in business Feb 27, 2022

This content is sponsored by Fit4Mom.

According to a MetLife survey, "nearly half of all women say that the pandemic has negatively impacted their career path", while "56% of women say they've thought about a career change during the pandemic" (double the 1 in 4  who felt that way in September, 2020). This comes as no surprise when you consider how many women have been trying to balance their careers, home lives, parenting, distance learning, and throw in the weight of living in the midst of a global pandemic, and heartbreaking headlines. Whew!

The struggle isn't any less real for women who own their own business, or are self-employed... but could it be? A global pandemic might seem like the absolute worst time to assume the risk of starting your own business, but we, as a society, are always adapting, and we might as well take advantage of the advances we've made! Lisa Druxman, founder of Fit4Mom shares, "the internet has opened up entirely new categories of business, with very little start up costs and much less risk."

There's even less risk, when that business already has a proven success model. Earlier this month on the WIFA Waves podcast, we talked to Elizabeth Kramer about this exact topic, and she shared her take on the pros and cons of starting your own business, versus buying a franchise. If you're wondering if you've got what it takes, give it a listen

To Franchise or not to franchise? That is the question. 

Well, only you can make that decision for yourself, but if you want some insight, then you're in luck. Lisa Druxman shares some of the things she knows now that she wishes she knew when she was starting out, and the valuable lessons she learned along the way. 

Tune into your Lightbulb Moment

I started my company, FIT4MOM, (formally known as Stroller Strides) 19 years ago. I was on a stroller walk with my new baby, and I was struggling with the idea of going back to work full time. I wanted to be a mom first and foremost but we needed my income. Then a light bulb went off. I could help other moms get back into shape after having a baby. And they could help me with all the things I needed to know about motherhood. I didn’t think it could be a business at this point; just something I could do to meet other new moms, help them get back in shape, and help me with motherhood.

Tell Your Story

At my first class, four moms showed up. Hardly a booming success. But we connected and loved the workout together. That same week I got a call from a local TV station where I had previously contributed to fitness stories. They basically needed a warm body at 5:30 am the next day. So the next morning, I showed up with my baby in his BOB stroller and went on the air. I promoted the grand opening of a class, which I had no plans for. When I got home from the station, there were 70 emails. I was blown away. In all of my time doing fitness segments, I didn’t get 70 emails combined. I realized I was on to something. I was not the only mom looking for connection, for support, for a community. I launched that grand opening class and had 40 moms show up (and two news crews).

Be Passionate About Your "Why"

Behind every seemingly overnight success are a lot of sleepless nights. We all need to share our struggles because they leave clues for success. In building your own business or franchise, you will experience obstacles. But if failure is not an option, you will find a way under, over or around them. If you are so passionate about your why for your business that success becomes a necessity, you will make it to the other side. I would do a lot of things differently if I had to do it over again. But one thing has never changed -- my commitment to my mission to empower moms everywhere.

(Don't know what your "Why" is? WIFA can help with that!)

What do you want?

Be honest…with yourself. What do you really want? Do you want to be home? Full time? Part time? Do you want to work? Do you want to be your own boss or work for someone? Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. You might be at your best under someone else’s lead. My company thrives because of all of the amazing women who are wanting to work for a company. Or you might thrive as a business owner in a franchise or license model where you have the map of how to do it.

We all have natural strengths. Work is so much easier, it flows, when you work in something that you are good at. It doesn’t mean that you are an expert. But realize how your strengths can adapt to certain careers. If you are great at teaching, that can apply outside of the classroom.  The goal is to find a place that your strengths and your passions come together.

 Be Your Own Boss; Create Your Future

One option is to create your own business. You get to create your own dream. You get to decide where you work, when you work, the culture of the business. There has absolutely NEVER been a better time in this world to start a business. The internet has opened up entirely new categories of business, with very little start up costs and much less risk. Being a mom, the internet businesses are amongst my favorites because you can work from where you want, when you want.

In order to be successful, you need to have a plan and a goal in mind. You need to love and be so committed to your business that you will overcome all of the obstacles that get in your way.

Create a business plan. Get support from coaches who have experience. You can get free help from SCORE. I am the quintessential entrepreneur so I am probably biased towards business ownership.  I love being a business owner. But I also know the hardships and realities of the risk, the work and the time its takes to business a business.  

Thousands of women across the country have discovered they can have the best of both worlds with FIT4MOM.

FIT4MOM allows you to have a successful career that is supportive of motherhood, and allows you to do both on your terms. You choose into the career you envision, whether that is building a community or building an empire

Whatever success looks like to you and your family, we provide you with the support and coaching to bring your vision to life.

Benefits of FIT4MOM franchising include:
-working from home
-becoming a leader in your community
-home office coaching and support
-Business tools such as marketing support, fitness training, technology and mentorship

As a FIT4MOM owner, you get a territory and you have freedom to find locations that work best for your community. You choose the programs you offer, hire instructors and the FIT4MOM home office team coaches you every step of the way.

Learn More!