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The Future FIT PRO: 6 Steps to Level Up Your Leadership and Career

blog business canada canadian fitness industry fit pro fitness professional fitness pros international member member benefit member blog memberlove members mo hagan the women in fitness association wellness wifa womeninfitnessassociation May 04, 2021

A woman of influence and famous female leader, Eleanor Roosevelt, is credited to have said: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” It may seem strange and be a struggle for you to imagine this as possible, after the year+ of discouragement and disparity we have lived and continue to push through individually and collectively as an industry. But I am here to remind, MO’tivate, encourage and inspire you to dig deep and look for the light of hope because the time is coming, my FIT PRO friends, to re-imagine and reinvent ourselves. Reinvention is what I am focusing on and for this we need hope and to remember the beauty and excitement that our dreams bring.

I know at times we will all find it difficult to envision a future created through our dreams when we are living out a nightmare that we can’t seem to wake up from some days. I actually asked this question a lot at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic: “Is this bad dream over yet?”. Now I only ask it on occasion, but I still do from time to time, just being honest.  I have come to realize however, it is by focusing on my purpose, working, learning, and levelling up myself and by influencing others to do this work together that we will reinvent and help our industry rebound. Together we have the collective power and potential to uncover the NEXT NORMAL which is yet to be created.  Going alone on this journey will only take you so far, going together will take you further faster.

In light of this, and in considering the theme of reinvention and rebounding for FIT PROs, I asked myself the question “What is/are the most important next steps to levelling up your skills and/or career for the remainder of 2021?”. Some professional tactics I came up with include the following six strategies. For every principle that follows, I will illustrate that principle in action with an example of the canfitpro All-Access Pass. This will show you how you can apply and incorporate all of these strategies into your work, leadership and life as a FIT PRO for the future!

You can learn more about the canfitpro 2021 Online All-Access Pass here: Events 2021 | canfitpro.

1. Be curious as to what lies ahead

Take time to consider what is next for you and for your business. What is working well? What things can you change in your life or business? What might you like to incorporate? There is so much to learn and cultivate your curiosity through the canfitpro Online 2021 events. With the All Access pass you will have access to over 100 world-class presenters and sessions that cover many interesting, informative and cutting-edge topics including Group Fitness, Personal Training, Business and Leadership, Technology, Nutrition, Coaching, Wellness more!

2. Remain a Perpetual Learner

Now is the time to acquire or improve your knowledge and skill base for after isolation. Learn as much as you can so you have the knowledge to make the best choice(s) for yourself and for your business. This is a great time to level up your learning! The canfitpro All Access pass gives you access to not just one but four days of education. So, your learning journey does not end after a single day or with a single session! This will encourage you to keep learning and to keep building on the knowledge you acquire over the course of the series. Being persistent, consistent, and accountable is crucial to your success in learning, leadership and life and making a commitment to perpetual learning (as with the canfitpro All-Access Pass) can help you accomplish this!

3.  Have/Maintain a Growth Mindset

Having and maintaining a growth mindset is one of the MO’st important attitudes I believe to help you MO’ve forward to the next levels of leadership in your life and career. Even though it may seem like the rest of the world is at a standstill, your mind is always active, and your mindset and mental attitude have so much power. A growth mindset includes being open-minded and open to change, which may require you to pivot, pivot again until you ‘pirouette’. Surrounding yourself with likeminded individuals who are eager for growth and open to change is beneficial. This is the energy and vibe that is created through canfitpro All-Access Pass when hundreds of FIT PROs come together to learn and grow together and although this is an online event, canfitpro has done an outstanding job of helping to create connection in the sessions through leveraging technology. It’s an experience that will leave you MO’re MO’tivated and inspired state than ever before which I associate with the essence of a growth mindset.

4. Think GLOBAL

Look beyond your own community, network so that you can gain insight as to how other industries, cultures, countries are navigating their way out of COVID to the next normal. This is how we can look to and learn how to navigate the future. The canfitpro Online 2021 events are a great way to meet and network with delegates and subject experts from around the world!

5. Embrace technology so that you can maintain a connection

Now more than ever we need to with your family, friends, clients, members, the industry, the world (‘the power of connection’ is a mix of technology and human relationships). One of the greatest realizations and triumphs I experienced in 2020 was learning how to become proficient on online platforms for presenting. While it is not my preferred method for presenting my sessions and workshops, I feel the empowering effects that come from embracing technology to stay connected with my colleagues in the industry, continuing my career and passion for teaching my classes and presenting here in Canada and internationally. Technology is here to stay! Shifting the canfitpro events online has allowed us to keep our members engaged and feeling included in something that is much greater than themselves and, for introducing new FIT PROs to canfitpro.

6. Commit to self-care as a critical part of being of servant leader or leader of others

You must take care of yourself first before you can serve and support others. The road to reinvention is not going to be easy and to follow this path it is going to be vital to remember to take care of ourselves and take action from a place of ‘self-care-driven leadership’. This goes back to the familiar analogy of putting on your own oxygen mask first in the plane. How can you be a servant leader to your clients, members, employees, colleagues, and partners if you are overwhelmed, burnt out and discouraged? Let this be your reminder and your permission to invest in yourself, invest in your business. The investment in education will payback many times over in how it sets you up for success and to be a FIT PRO of the future. This is what I love about the canfitpro All-Access Pass. We have worked very hard to produce diversity in content and topic selection, so you can take sessions to support your business goals and endeavours but also take part in workouts and sessions for pure enjoyment and self-renewal. Investing in yourself and committing to self-care and looking after yourself is critical if you hope to level up your leadership and be a FIT PRO who is fit for the future!

Never lose focus on your purpose and keep MO’ving in the direction of your dreams and the purpose of your deeper driving WHY with daily, consistent action—MO’mentum! And, I believe most strongly that the canfitpro All-Access Pass is the “learning path” to guide FIT PROs forward to the NEXT NORMAL.

See full post here! 

Author: Maureen Hagan