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WIFA Self-Love Toolkit Feb 15, 2022

Ahhh, finally February 15, the day after Valentine's Day. Okay, now that all that mushy gushy stuff is out of the way... 

Alright, totally kidding!  Of course we love giving and receiving gifts from our loved ones, but there's just something about giving to yourself...

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Getting Started for Beginners Nov 16, 2021

Today’s topic as promised is going to be covering tips for new gym goers and beginners that are just getting started out the exciting journey of a healthier lifestyle. So let’s get into to it!

  1. Talk to your doctor first– you may be very eager to jump in head first to your new...
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We Love our Workouts Until We Don't Nov 09, 2021

My body has gone through both weight loss and weight gains throughout my life. My body has changed again in 2020-2021. I really want to mention that what I’m about to tell you is not an excuse. As personal trainers, we always think our clients telling us that life is getting in the way of...

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My 10-Minute Morning Mobility Routine Oct 26, 2021

I am asked two questions a lot. Like, a lot.  

  1. Do you have a simple and quick 10 minute morning mobility routine?
  2. What does your morning look like? 

The answer to both is actually the same. But before I dive into the goods, let me quickly explain my thinking and how my...

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How To Get READY: 3 Ways to Achieve Your Ready State Oct 19, 2021
Former 2x Olympic Gold Medalist in rowing with more than a decade of experience coaching and creating programming for athletes, coaches, military teams and individuals around the world. Erin is currently pursuing a doctorate in clinical psychology to dig deeper into what drives an individual's...
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Learning Confidence Sep 28, 2021

Confidence—is it just another word we use to describe ourselves and each other, or does it have special meaning? There are so many other words that can describe the host of positive characteristics that all women possess: Self-Esteem, Bad Ass, Super Woman, Smart, Ambitious, Funny, and Kind....

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Text Message Marketing for Your FitnessĀ  BusinessĀ  Sep 21, 2021

With most people glued to their phones, today’s customer expects instant communication.  If you’re not there for them 24/7, you risk losing them to a competitor. The solution for  your fitness studio is real-time, direct communication with two-way text message ...

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5 Self-Care Practices for a Healthy Mind, Body & Soul Sep 14, 2021

Social media might have you thinking that the only way to practice self-care is to take a candlelit bubble bath, go on a week-long yoga retreat, or participate in some other Instagram-worthy activity. While a nice bath or getaway certainly are acts of self-care, in reality, self-care extends far...

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Where Does Your Confidence Come From? Sep 07, 2021

Yesterday I got an email with the subject line, “Boost Your Confidence.” I, of course, opened it immediately, since confidence is obviously my jam. Too, I thought maybe it was someone checking in about the , and I didn’t want to overlook...

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Why Building A Tribe Of Go-Getting Girls Is Key To Your Success Aug 23, 2021

We’ve all heard the saying, “you are who you hang around.” Though it may be annoying to be reminded of this time and time again by those around you, the quote no doubt rings true. Having a few key players in your life that match your...

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How to Streamline Your Business as a Fitness Pro Jul 28, 2021

If 2020 taught us anything, it's that fitness professionals have to be adaptable. The most successful pros have been the ones who've been able to pivot away from close contact classes and training, and reinvent themselves as digital-first entrepreneurs. It's a move that can work for any fitness...

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5 Ways to Grow Your Business This Summer Jul 20, 2021

5 ways to grow your business this summer. In the health and fitness world, business can feel like (and sometimes really does) slow down in the summer with clients on vacation, kid schedules and clients not really ready/willing to commit.

I always saw a surge in clients in the beginning of...

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