Vox /vɒks/ voice

WIFA VOX is the collective voice of WIFA.  A platform created for passionate WIFA women to share wisdom using both the spoken and written word. Get ready to be inspired, WIFA VOX is by the community for the community. We are committed to sharing your stories and making your voices heard.

WIFA VOX Contributors are WIFA's Speakers and Writers, who are committed to their craft and we are proud to promote them and their work.

WIFA VOX is re-loaded regularly, here's what you will find:

  • Real stories of growth from WIFA's Speakers and Writers

  • Thought-provoking questions

  • Inspiration to grow yourself and your business

  • Actionable tips to change your life

  • Powerful presentations 💻

  • Captivating Editorials & Blogs 📎



Jodi Boettger

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Larissa Brown

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Emma Marie Broome


Adia Callahan

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Gabriela Caruso

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Melissa Crews


Tahnee Donkin

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Jan-Marie Esch

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Kara Flowers

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Sarah Grace

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Janessa Hall

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Marjorie Hopkins

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Amanda Joyce

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Michelle Leachman

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Stacey Mann

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Joyce Mitchell

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Jaclyn Phillips

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Karyn Silenzi

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Jen Anderson

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Carol Covino

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Tahnee Donkin

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Karen Dougherty

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Cris Engen

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Jen Frey

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Janessa Hall

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Lindsey Heiserman

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Amanda Joyce Jensen

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Rachel Lavin

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Kelly Lepley

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Stacey Mann

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Mindy McHale

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Melissa Merkle

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Carolina Paredes

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Sarah Pellegrino

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Katie Swanson

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Nikki Williams

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Rachel Windley

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Veronika Všetičkova

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Ashley Ziegler

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So What Are The WIFA Academies About?

  • There are two, one for Speakers and one for Writers
  • They are 60-day, mentor-led, intensive-training-programs available exclusively to WIFA members. 
  • You will create deliverables that can be featured on WIFA Vox.
  •  Academies are run with small groups and include e-learning curriculum and bi-weekly mentor calls
  • All Academy students are interviewed the WIFA Waves podcast during the course to promote you and your professional goals.
  • Once you successfully complete this program, you will be included here on WIFA Vox.  We will help you find speaking/writing gigs.
  • Did we mentions that both Academies comes along with 2 ACE CECs?!

Find out more!

Speakers here   Writers here