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Member Blog: Women In Fitness Association

blog fitness inbox fit katie vaas member blog the women in fitness association wifa women women in fitness association women leaders womeninfitnessassociation Aug 13, 2019

Taking a quick moment to brag as I belong to an association filled with bada$$ Fitness ladies. WIFA is an international organization of self-motivated women in the fitness industry. We range from group fitness teachers, leaders of gyms, creators of workouts, apparel gurus, and everything in between.

Now, I know that you may be thinking we talk about our favorite workouts, meal plans, and leggings. That is very far from the truth. This group is very focused on leadership and female empowerment. Conversations range from how to ask for a raise to how to balance life as responsibilities grow.

Our common thread is twofold. A true entrepreneurial spirit that has an underlying tone of philanthropy and a love for physical well-being. 

I’ve mentioned my Inbox Fit project on this blog previously, but I haven’t shared that the WIFA group help inspired me to pursue it.

My friend and partner in this project had approached me in late winter about this idea she had for a tool to help studio owners, group instructors, and the home gym lover find a community and workouts they could love. It wasn’t until after a WIFA seminar about personal branding and subsequent conversation with my WIFA mentor about pursing your passions and building your dreams, that I decided to go for it.

That conversation went so simply. She pointed out that I love being an entrepreneur, I love helping others, and I have a strong love for fitness. Combining it all into a project was a great idea. Sure, it is scary to put yourself out there. To invest time and money on a project that may never take off. To risk failure. However, it is scarier to not try and to wonder what if.

So, here we are. Trying it, embracing the unknown and so thankful for the support of the awesome ladies of WIFA! 

See original post here!