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Fuel Women's Fitness Business Summit Expands Globally to Make Way for Women in New Zealand Nov 20, 2023

Fuel Women's Fitness Business Summit Expands Globally to Make Way for Women in New Zealand

AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - 25th October 2023 - After three incredibly successful annual events in Sydney, Fuel Women's Fitness Business Summit is thrilled to announce its much-anticipated international launch...

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Creating Alignment in Your Life: How to Lead From Your Heart Oct 17, 2023

Amanda Joyce is the #1 Best-Selling Amazon author of Marshalling Beats of Your Heart: How to Lead With Your Heart and Rediscover the Rhythm of Joy and Meaning. She's a certified ACE health and wellness coach at Profile where she helps transform lives through smart science. She finds healing in...

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The Choice of Living Consciously Oct 17, 2023

The Choice of Living Consciously

 We have a choice, to live in a state of awareness, or to avoid our true self. When we choose to live consciously, we can experience life fully. We may feel hope or despair, joy or fear but we will be connected to our internal world, to other people and to...

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Does the Fitness Industry Serve Clients Over 65? Oct 16, 2023

Does the Fitness Industry Serve Clients Over 65? 

In 2021, 17% of the US population was over 65, up almost 5%, from the previous decade. Our population is aging and more people are spending as many years out of retirement as they did working. Staying active and being able to enjoy retirement...

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Impacting Client Well BE-ing Oct 16, 2023

Impacting Client Well BE-ing

The COVID pandemic has made more people increasingly aware of their sense of wellbeing or lack of it. In the fitness industry our training defines the scope of our work with clients. The idea of wellbeing or wellness has many facets and as health and fitness...

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Achieving Goals With the Terrific Trio: Clarity, Motivation, and Commitment Oct 16, 2023

Achieving Goals With the Terrific Trio: Clarity, Motivation, and Commitment

By Janessa Hall

“Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” –Fitzhugh Dodson

Intentional living  requires setting and achieving goals. But as...

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Creating, Beginning and Completing Your Goals Oct 11, 2023

Janessa Hall holds a master’s degree in psychology and is an ACE certified health coach. Her business, No Shame Health, is geared towards people with bigger bodies, those with chronic illness, and those with disabilities. Her focus is on making small, sustainable behavior changes to improve...

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Is It Time To Assess Your Health & Wellness? Oct 11, 2023

Karen’s passion about self-improvement through fitness, community and education shines through in her diverse talks addressing single-motherhood, addiction, depression, and menopause.
These subjects are no laughing matter but Karen feels through sharing her trials and tribulations with...

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WIFA Waves Episode 55 | June 2023 Speakers & Writers Sep 18, 2023


On Episode 55 of WIFA Waves, Lisa Greenbaum (co-creator of the WIFA Writer's Academy) and Lori Patterson (co-creator of the WIFA Speaker's Academy), talk with the June 2023 Speaker's Academy and Writer's Academy scholars. Karen Dougherty, Janessa Hall, Amanda Joyce (AJ) Jensen and Nikki...

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Body Neutrality: What Is It and How to Use it With Your Clients Sep 07, 2023

Body Neutrality: What Is It and How to Use it With Your Clients

By Christin Everson
on July 28, 2023

What was previously a binary model of thinking, either I love my body or I hate it, is now a sliding scale with a middle zone known as body...

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The Missing Link to a Well Lived Life Jun 09, 2023

By Joyce Mitchell, ACE-Certified CPT and GFI

Achieving great health and wellness reaches far beyond losing a few pounds or inches. It involves running after a lifestyle that allows us to accomplish goals, care for others, and thrive rather than survive. Behavior change is foundational to...

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How to Shift Your Mindset When Entering a Fitness Space Apr 06, 2023

Do you ever feel like people are staring at you in the gym? I've been there! There are two ways my mind always goes when I’m the big girl in a fitness setting. The obvious “I’m the only one” and that can take us to a negative space that doesn't allow us to be authentically...

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