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Confessions of a Writer

career career development career growth for women by women lisa greenbaum member benefit member blog member love mentorship the women in fitness association wifa wifa ambassador women empowering women women in fitness women supporting women writers academy writing yoga Jul 05, 2021

Did you know that I learned to read and write in French not English, even though English is my first language? I was in French immersion and that’s how it rolls. My mom eventually got frustrated I think and taught me how to read English when I was in grade 2 as she realized I had no other way of learning. With my mom being an avid reader (and she still motors through 2-3 books a week on her kobo) books were treasured in our house and trips to the local library were as important to us as our weekly grocery shop. 

I fell in love with reading, a love that has carried me through heartbreaks (mine and my beloved characters) pulled me out of depression, taught me what it’s like to grow up in different cultures and households (coming of age stories are still my absolute favourite) and of course educated and inspired me. Even in this moment I have two non-fiction Yoga therapy based books, a book of short stories on my library app and a paperback fiction book (Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides – so good!) sitting on my nightstand and I am reading all of them with another little pile ready to go. As much as I love to read, it is the creative force of the written word that holds me. How the words tumble out on the page, how the combination of what is said and what must be read between the lines carries such power. 

Writing for me is a natural extension of this and my earliest childhood dreams involved seeing my words in print, of holding my own book in my hands. But as with so many dreams we are so easily side-tracked. Early rejection letters for my poems, and the red lines and slashes of my teachers edits all across my university papers didn’t help. Remember how I first learned to read and write in French, well by the time I was formally taught English grammar I couldn’t make sense of it in my mind and in many ways I still can’t. Just like I was told that I was too short to be a dancer, I took this as proof that I also couldn’t be a writer. Yet, at the same time in the Universe’s own interweaving webs of magic, I found Yoga like a dance for the soul and I continued to write for myself in my journals and eventually my blogs. Over the years my confidence has grown in my heart and in my life from both of these practices. I write now because I must. When my words flow, my life energy flows in what feels like the natural order of things. I teach because I must. I write because I must. 

So, despite the little voice that still comes calling from time to time that tries to tell me I’m not good enough, I write anyway. And because I write anyway, and push 
“publish” on my blog anyway and send my articles and regular columns off to the magazines that publish me anyway – I am a published author and you can be too. 

And so, my journey of words continues as we launch the Writers Academy 60 day program on July 12th.  Part of WIFA’s (Women in Fitness Association) mission to empower Women in the fitness and wellness space and help share ALL of our words. Have you been wanting to share your words but maybe need that extra confidence boost, a place to start and a mentor to help you stay on track? I’d LOVE to be that person for you! You do not need to be a WIFA member to join the program. Follow this link for more info:

See full post here!

Author: Lisa Greenbaum